Support the CIC
Become a Student Supporter
The Student Supporter category is open to individuals from across the world, who are studying and/or researching a relevant subject* at a higher education university / institute.
This category is free to join, but you must register with a recognised university email address (for example .edu or, otherwise your application will be declined.
We are also looking for Student Ambassadors – more details can be found below.
Student Supporter and Ambassador Benefits
Student Supporters will receive the following benefits:
- Receive the monthly CIC supporter newsletter
- Attend selected CIC events
- Opportunities to share and promote your research
We are also looking for four Student Ambassadors to support our work, specifically for: 1) Podcasts, 2) Research, 3) Social media, 4) Events.
They will have the following additional benefits:
- Attend the CIC annual conference
- Gain recognition from the industry
If you are interested in becoming a Student Ambassador, please also indicate this on the contact form. including your preferred area of focus. We will be back in contact to discuss in more detail.
Student Supporter Membership Criteria
The Student Supporter role is open to students studying relevant subjects including, but not limited to:
- Agriculture and Forestry
- Biological Sciences
- Chemistry
- Complementary medicine
- Economics
- Food science
- Health and social care
- Law
- Medicine
- Nursing
- Pharmacology and pharmacy
- Politics
- Psychology
- Social policy
- Sociology
- Veterinary medicine
Please note that this category is not open to organisations, including universities and institutes. If your organisation is interested in joining the CIC, please find out more about our benefits for members at the link below. If you’d like to support the Council as a non-student, find more information at the link below.