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Lesotho facility shows ESG credentials

Lesotho facility shows ESG credentials

By Scott Henson of Morama Holdings

South Africa’s Morama Holdings is bringing sun-grown cannabis to patients, alongside a commitment to sustainability and community.

Nestled in the stunning Maloti Mountains of Lesotho, a country enclaved within South Africa, is Morama’s cultivation facility, spanning over 45 hectares. Lesotho wasn’t merely a location of convenience for us, it was an acknowledgement of the region’s exceptional cannabis-growing potential. They say if you throw seeds on the pavement, plants will grow out of the cracks.

With sunlight, fresh air, and high-quality natural water sources, Lesotho provides an optimal environment for cultivating exemplary cannabis. Embracing soil-enriching, no-thrills farming practices, we utilise a 100% natural and organic process. The focus is on one main growth cycle a year, which means a lot of work and dedication goes into making the most of it.

We’ve designed our facility around a core of three fundamental principles: organic, regenerative farming techniques; local community engagement and enrichment; and sustainability.

Regenerative farming

These principles are apparent in the way we take full advantage of the abundant natural summer light and clean mountain air. This is combined with tech – our hybrid greenhouse – that allows adjustment of the conditions, by opening the walls and roof to affect airflow, temperature, and humidity.

This creates a space that’s as close to outside growing as possible, while allowing some control over the environment. Careful choices are made throughout the process, to keep the growth cycle in line with nature. Planting early and utilising low-wattage LEDs extends the vegetative state, and prevents flowering and possible inadvertent pollination from wild male plants.

Morama doesn’t discard growth mediums, but lovingly sews the nutrients back into the earth, for land rejuvenation and regeneration. This is naturally broken down by a diverse blend of microbes, providing nutrition to the next crop in a wholly organic way. In keeping with that, pest control isn’t reliant on chemical pesticides either, but on natural methods involving predator insects and natural deterrents/treatments, ensuring a genuinely harmonious coexistence with the environment.

Soil samples are taken at the end of each cycle and analysed. The team then devise the best ways to naturally introduce the necessary nutrients, whether that be a nitrogen locking cover crop, or a specific mulch, amendment, or seed meal.


Attaining organic certification is currently in progress, underscoring our commitment to cultivating cannabis in harmony with nature. Even leftover plant matter is donated to the Eternal Flame Cook Bag project: a development of eco-friendly, hemp-insulated bags to reduce the health and financial burdens of open-fire cooking in communities around the world.

Keeping our carbon footprint as small as possible, we’ve established a self-sufficient water supply through a borehole, capturing mountain water to service the entire facility. Moreover, our commitment extends to recycling initiatives. Plastic waste finds new life through local recycling companies, while plant matter waste is repurposed for the ‘Eternal Flame’ initiative, greatly reducing carbon emissions globally and improving health and wellbeing.


By offering full-time positions to around 50 individuals and short-term contracts to an additional 30 during harvest, we created meaningful opportunities while fostering direct accountability. We want the communities and the area to be improved and enhanced by their presence and pride ourselves on the ground-floor promotion opportunities within the company. For example, one lady who was originally hired to help with cleaning, is now helping to manage the processing.

Morama Holdings isn’t just cultivating cannabis; we’re cultivating change— where sustainability, community enrichment, and organic farming converge.

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